Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education Receives Grant

Published: Sep 6, 2012

The Baltimore Sun reported on August 28th the awarding of grants from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) totalling $9.2-million with the aim of “planting trees, restoring wetlands, installing rain gardens” and undertaking other projects to improve the condition of the Chesapeake Bay area.

Among the organizations awarded was UMBC’s Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education (CUERE). The center received $324,000 and according to reporter Tim Wheeler will collaborate with the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) and Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA) on runoff controls like pervious concrete and a practice called subsoiling, where ground soil is loosened in order to hopefully allow it to soak up more rainfall.

CUERE’s project is among 41 in located Maryland, DC, and five other bay-watershed states, with all focused on dealing with polluted runoff, which Wheeler described as “one of the most challenging and costly aspects of the bay restoration” in the article.


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